story of learning

Over the time period of last semester My class and I have made goals for ourselves and we have worked very hard to achieve them. My goals are set for writing, reading and math. Here they are-

Academic goals-Writing Goals
I have added similes and metaphors. I will look over my writing to check. I plan on completing it in a few months.
-Reading Goals I have read variety of genres I will look in my reading log to check I plan on doing it every week
-Math Goals I will try the math puzzler one a month I will record it when I try on a price of paper. I plan on doing it every month

I have achieved almost all of my goals, I will work hard to achieve the goals that i have not accomplished yet and I will make new goals for the ones I have accomplished.
The goals I have accomplished in writing is goal number 1, My writing uses poems, similes and metaphor. I have not achieved goal number 2, Before I hand in my writing I will always check for any spelling mistakes or over use of words. My new goal for writing is to use powerful transition words to get from paragraph to paragraph. My goal to transition into grade 6 is to Not have a over use of words and I will try not to repeat the word "I" more than a few times.
Writing is always enjoyable but I do find it hard to work with essays because I can't think of good topics or I don't know how to start, essays don't come easily to me like other forms of writing. But I have seceded in making some essays and I have focused on it.

I have achieved most of my goals, I will work hard to achieve the goals that I have not accomplished yet and I will make new goals for the ones I have accomplished.
The goals I have accomplished in reading is goal number 2, I will look in my reading log to check. I have not achieved goal number 1, I have read variety of genres. My new goal for reading is to read for fluent periods of time and to read for longer amount of time with out stopping for a break. My goal to transition into grade 6 is to read more and try and improve my reading level, I wish to read more often and read different styles and types of books.
reading is always enjoyable but I do find it hard to work with since fiction books because I cant think about them properly or I cant understand what part of it is since and which part is fiction. I have succeeded in reading some of the since fiction books and understanding them but I have had to read over them quite a while before I understood it.

I have achieved quite a few of my goals, I will work hard to achieve the goals that I have not accomplished yet and I will make new goals for the ones I have accomplished.
The goals I have accomplished in Math is goal number 2, I will record it when I try on a price of paper. I have not a achieved goal number 1, I will try to do the math puzzler once a month. My new goal for math is to do math problem more frequently and try different types or styles of math. My goal to transition into grade 6 is to practice often and practice different styles of math like division and multiplication, I will also try things like fractions and decimals.
Math is always enjoyable but I do find it hard to work with decimals and converting them into fractions or convert factions into decimals. I find this part hard because if you have 1/23 I won't know how to turn it into a decimal because 23 doesn't go into 100 and I don't know if it goes to 1000 and 10,000 and so on.

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